My journey as a Palestinian mum to become a Software Developer Intern at King in Sweden.

Masa Abdalhalim
5 min readNov 7, 2022

At the start of the year, I had the biggest opportunity of my life: becoming a mum for the first time.

In the middle of the year I had the biggest opportunity of my career: joining King in Stockholm as a software developer intern.

Over the past two years, I’ve faced Covid job loss, a toxic workplace, and a feeling of hopelessness. But I managed to pull through and now have my dream job. I want to share my story for other people, especially mums, who need a little bit of hope in their personal journeys.

Early Career Troubles

I’m from Anabta, Palestine. I studied Computer Engineering in Nablus. When I graduated, I was very excited to begin working. But lots of blocks appeared on my path.

In October 2019, after I graduated, I moved to Sweden to work as a fullstack developer with an agency. My uncle lives there, so it was (and is!) a great choice for me. In Feb 2020, I took a one week vacation to get married in Palestine. I was supposed to get back to my work in Sweden after that. But Covid19 hit and airlines stopped and I couldn’t go back to my job.

I decided to switch my career to data analysis. I started studying data analysis online and looking for jobs. But it was very difficult since there were few companies hiring data analysts in Palestine and internationally many of the companies were downsizing and very few companies were still hiring due to covid

Despite my best efforts, I spent most of 2020 jobless, until one day in Nov 2020, a recruiter from a Palestinian outsourcing company called me for an open position in data analysis!

Of course I took the opportunity without thinking. But, I quickly realised I was the only data analyst in the team. I wasn’t getting feedback from anyone about my work (very important since I was very fresh in the field). I was also put in a senior position where they wanted me to work as a senior while I am still a junior. On top of that, the atmosphere was toxic. In the end, I sadly decided to leave my job.

I began applying to tons of jobs as a data analyst and a software developer, but I wasn’t getting any invitations to interviews. Despite my hard work and ambition, I was really hopeless and depressed.

A New Start

I decided to try to apply for Manara, a career accelerator program for developers from the Middle East. I didn’t think I would be accepted, but when I was accepted, I was very excited. I knew this would be the opportunity I needed to build the career I wanted.

There was just one small detail. I was 8-months pregnant. I didn’t want people to know I was pregnant. I didn’t want anyone to try to convince me to wait or join another cohort. I knew that Manara was the right program to accelerate my career and I didn’t want to wait any longer for the opportunity.

I joined Manara in November 2021. And I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on December 27th. The birth fell exactly during the winter break. I didn’t have to miss one single session and I didn’t have to request any additional time for my homework. And even though the birth was intense — 4 days — I studied even while I was at hospital. I didn’t want to miss the pre-reading or fall behind when I returned.

In the new year, when the classes resumed, Mai, Manara’s program coordinator, asked everyone what they did during the break. I said “I gave birth!” The Manara team were so surprised. They never even knew I was pregnant! Everyone was very happy for me and supportive.

My Journey with King

We finished the Manara program around summer and I had an interview with King, in Stockholm. I couldn’t believe it when I got the job offer to join them as a software developer intern. I was so proud. I am now a mother, and an engineer. I know everyone’s experience of parenthood is different but for me I didn’t want to be treated differently. I don’t even know how I did it — lots of late nights studying and being with my baby — but I am happy that I have opportunities that allow me to pursue both paths at the same time.

King is a dream. I keep waiting for someone to wake me up. It’s been the most amazing environment I could ever be in. Everyone is extremely friendly and positive. I am creating internal tools using Unity 3D so the artists and developers can work more productively. The team is so appreciative!

The mission of the company is to make the world playful — this is reflected in the workplace. The company really values work-life balance. They don’t want you to work any extra hours. They are so collaborative; you feel that your manager and teammates want you to succeed. They all have one goal and if you improve they see it as a win for the whole team.

Manara elevated my ambition and the levels of careers that I look for and now expect. I didn’t even imagine that I would be applying to these big companies and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine being an employee at King.

The Future: Motherhood and Career

My outlook for the future? I would love to continue to learn and develop my career as a software engineer, hopefully at King, or at least at a company with a comparable company culture.

I appreciate the Swedish culture of shared parental responsibility and the hybrid working model of King. My husband, who also works in Sweden, is taking parental leave now to look after our son. And I only go to the office once or twice a week, that means I can work from home most days and have breaks to hug him. I am so grateful to be working in such a model, because of that I was able to be there when he said his first “mama” (although I was at work but I was at home to attend this precious moment).

Despite the challenges of Covid, a negative working environment, unemployment, and pregnancy, I’m now working in my dream role, at my dream company. Being a new mum and a full time engineer in a new country and culture isn’t always easy, but I know it’s good for both me and my son to be independent. And I know one day he will be very proud of me.

